Spalletti ready for Legal Tussle with Napoli after Italy Appointment


In the wake of the announcement of Luciano Spalletti as Italy’s new coach, understands that the 64-year old Tuscan tactician is ready to engage in a litigation with his former employers Napoli.


La Gazzetta dello Sport, an Italian media outlet had reported on Friday morning that FIGC were ready to announce Spalletti as Italy’s new head coach tomorrow, Saturday, August 19.


However, Sky Sport confirms Friday should be the day of the announcement from the Italian federation but, as things stand, neither Spalletti nor the FIGC will pay compensation to Napoli to free the coach from his agreement with the club.


Spalletti had agreed on a €3m clause when he left Napoli at the end of 2022-23. It diminishes by €250,000 every month, so it is currently set at circa €2.6m.


According to Sky Sport’s transfer pundit Gianluca Di Marzio, it will be Spalletti’s responsibility to face a potential legal battle with his former employer Aurelio De Laurentiis.


It is a likely scenario given that both ADL and Napoli lawyer Mattia Grassani have recently reiterated that the release clause must be fully paid to free Spalletti.


The Tuscan tactician is expected to meet FIGC President Gabriele Gravina today and sign his contract as the new Italy coach in the coming hours.





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